
I’m a lover of the hunch.

A state suddenly setting in, too fleeting to be put into concrete words; and yet, the hunch in its opacity can stick with you until it moulds into something concrete, a word maybe, or an image, or an insight. The hunch is like the first crack in a stone wall, which will eventually lead to…


Dear viewer, please come closer. Look around you. Yes, please look around you and view. Everything you see was made for you. The hours it took to conceive and create all this exactly the way it is now were dedicated to you. What do you think? Perhaps you don’t like it, perhaps you’re asking yourself why.
You‘re feeling pressed and offended?
Feel gifted, feel rich, even though you‘re not to understand what it is you’re rich of. In the best case, you will receive a gift which you like but which holds, in the inner core of its being, a tiny space of uneasiness, chipping away at something, a small wound, a question that you take with you when you leave, and that may, without being a word, become a scream, or a laugh.

“I have always firmly refused to add an interpretation to my own works, and I still do. Of course, the various phenomena are often preceded by years of processes that involve a multitude of interwoven influences: philosophical positions, aesthetic processes, social developments.
And while I know exactly what I want to represent for myself and which concrete position manifests itself in my work, by disclosing it I would defraud the recipients of their most crucial component in this performance, I would cut them off from this very moment: the encounter with their own imagination.”

Latency – being hidden

H.U. Gumbrecht‘s thought
– Latency as the origin of the present –
moves me, interests me, is part of my perception.


  1. The presence of “something” that is (still, at the moment, maybe even on principle) invisible
  2. The time between stimulus and response, between cause and effect
  3. The temporary hiddenness of a disease, symptom-free time
  4. The time between request and answer
  5. Due to the long latency, cause and effect can not always be properly assigned.

What interests me: How did it come about? What did you really see? And what did you feel while seeing it? Is there a pseudo-connection in another direction? Are things that actually do not match, that repel and contradict each other, possibly connected somehow, after all? Can we achieve new compactness through similar latencies?
Do we have to pay more attention to latency, to looking past it and behind it?
What does the surface mean and is it deceptive? Or does every level have its own truth?

I’m a lover of the hunch.

A state suddenly setting in, too fleeting to be put into concrete words; and yet, the hunch in its opacity can stick with you until it moulds into something concrete, a word maybe, or an image, or an insight. The hunch is like the first crack in a stone wall, which will eventually lead to…